Saturday, November 3, 2012

Antioch,tutky,most great places in turkey ·

         Hello and a new round in the most beautiful regions of the world
A historic city

 located on the left bank of the Orontes River about 30 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast in the Iskenderun Brigade actually under Turkish sovereignty.
The city of Antioch, one of the most important cities in the history of Syria, where it was the capital of Syria before the Islamic conquest in the seventh century, and still even now the capital of the Syrian Christian Churches. Antioch in the Hellenistic era, the capital of the Seleucid Empire in the Roman era escalated its importance until it became the third largest city in the world after Rome and Alexandria. Arab capital transfer from Antioch to the oasis of Damascus for logistical reasons. Hit Antioch in Islamic history of the invasion several times of the Romans and the Crusaders, and after the end of the Crusades became a subsidiary of Aleppo. Also came under French influence after the First World War before moving under Turkish control in 1939.

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 Antioch,tutky,most great places in turkey ·


In the year 323 BC. Matt Alexander the Great, and his senior officers to agree on the sharing of Alexander's empire among themselves, took Ptolemy Egypt, Palestine, and took old Antigone Macedonia and Asia Minor, while taking Seleucus Nicator Syria and Babylon and Persia. 

vidio about Antioch,tutky,most great places in turkey ·

The Antigone creates city of Iskenderun 

at the mouth of the Orontes River in Syria the year 317 BC. M., then seized Slqos Nikator on this city in 301 AD and established its place city called Antioch on the name of his father Antiochus, the same token created another city called his mother to Athudecea ( Lattakia), then established the city of Apamea wife's name at a distance from Latakia to the interior in Syria.
I love Seleucus city of Antioch and ordered to deliver them all his money value from the ruins of the city of Ontguna demolished, and the granting of the region's population equal rights for Greeks to encourage them to move to, lived city years flourishing long until it became Dora kingdoms forecastle and its capital from the Mediterranean to the borders of India. For later Antiochene suffered from the rule of the Seleucids, prompting them to hand over the city to Tkran king Armenians year 83 BC., But Malbut Roman seizing control in 64 BC. Thus, Syria has been under the rule of the Republic of Rome.
City suffered a devastating earthquake year 526 AD, and its important and strategic significance large occupied Sassanids years 540 meters, then income Muslims year 637 AD, but the emperor Nikiforos second Focus returned and controlled them, and in 1085 AD and signed, however, the Seljuks, and during the Crusades against Syria income Franks in 1096 after being besieged Bohemond, becoming the first governor crusader Principality of Antioch, a component of the first emirate crusade.
The city remained 

in the hands of the Crusaders in the period between the second and third centuries century to do Zahir Baybars Mamluk sultan edited them in 1268 AD, and lost city leading role former after a campaign Tamerlane the Levant Vtdharrt much due to attacks Mongols and that in 1401 AD, then seized the Ottoman Turks in 1516, managed to Muhammad Ali and to Egypt from them when dominated the mandate of the Levant and continued his power between 1830 m and 1840 m. Another earthquake hit the city in 1872.
After the expiration of the First World War the city became the share of the French mandate over Syria between 1920 m and 1946 m abandoned by Turkey after the referendum on self-determination in 1938. [1]Religious significance
Antioch great importance to Christians in the East, it is one of the chairs apostolic Add to Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople and Jerusalem patriarchs communities the following styled Antioch: Syriac Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Syrian Catholic, Roman Catholic, Syriac Maronite.

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